Do you have to be a registered republican to join the club?
Yes - you have to be a registered Republican - you can register here
Can men join the club?
Yes - men may join the club as associate members. The cost is $20.00
what are the costs involved in being a club member
Membership cost is $40.00. We meet monthly for lunch and that cost is $25.00 for members or $30.00 for guests.
Do I have to be a member to attend a meeting?
No - you can attend as a guest - the cost is $30.00 (including lunch, a speaker, and engagement with like minded women)
Do I have to know a lot about government legislation and politics to join?
We welcome anyone who is interested in learning and promoting the policies of the Republican Party. Our club consists of members of all types - some very involved in the political arena and some who just want to be more informed in local, state and national issues.
Are there opportunities to get involved & support local elections?
Yes - we discuss and promote opportunities to get involved in local elections at our monthly meetings.
What is an associate member?
An Associate Member is a woman who is already a member of another NFRW group OR a man who wants to join would be an Associate Member.